Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Is there something wrong with me? Am I fertile?

Pregnancy Plus Omega-3
These questions come up a lot with those of you who have been trying to figure out exactly how to get pregnant for several months now and have not yet had any success.

At first there is not much doubt, you stop using contraception and imagine that within a few months, you will become pregnant and that's it. After three or four months of trying you will be faced with the reality of the situation that you are not pregnant yet and your mind will begin to ask if everything is ok with you and your partner.

At first there is not much doubt, you stop using contraception and imagine that within a few months, you will become pregnant and that's it. After three or four months of trying you will be faced with the reality of the situation that you are not pregnant yet and your mind will begin to ask if everything is ok with you and your partner.

To put your mind at rest, when you are trying for a baby it is quite normal to have to wait up to and beyond 12 months before finally becoming pregnant.

To be able to become pregnant there are certain facts that you should be aware of that when applied to your lifestyle and your lovemaking will dramatically increase your ability to become pregnant:

* You should be aware of how your body works and exactly what your body is doing at every step of your monthly cycle. Get to know the tell tale signs that you are about to ovulate. With a little practice you should be making love just as you ovulate.
* Know when to make love. You need to know about male ejaculation and about how sperm can become more or less active. Plan it so that you make love just as you ovulate with the highest quality sperm. Also you need to learn about how female orgasms can help in conception if timed right.
* Preparing your body with the correct minerals and vitamins is very important. Not only for trying to conceive but once conception has occurred then you will need to have prepared yourself to be able to nourish the unborn in the first few weeks. There is a lot to be said ion this subject.
* You should also be asking yourself if you are really prepared to bring a child into this world, do you have the means to support it and nurture it?... I personally believe that whatever our situation, as a survival instinct most of us will somehow be able to find all that we will need to bring up a healthy and happy baby but if you personally are not really that sure then this thinking will bear a direct influence on your physical body and will play tricks with your ovulation and menstrual cycle which will make it that much more difficult to become pregnant.

Getting pregnant is a gift, the fact is that some women are just not able to and that is sad. There are however many women who believe they cannot become pregnant when really all that they need is a little clarity and the explanation of certain facts and they will be able to become pregnant just as easily as anybody else.